
Reward Your Dog Training promotes effective, low-stress training methods that are kind to your dog, and to you!

Transformative Training that Builds Trust & Skills

Strong Relationship

Reward Your Dog Training utilizes rewards-based training with a focus on building a trusting relationship with your canine partner. In our sessions, you will learn to meet your dog’s needs, learn how to be an effective teacher, and build a strong, harmonious relationship.

Setting up for Success

Most of your dog’s training will be done using something your dog wants to work for. This can differ from dog to dog. We will use food, toys, affection, and other motivators that your dog enjoys.

By setting the environment up so that your dog can succeed, we will focus on telling your dog what to do and build their - and your - confidence.

Low Stress

The vast majority of dog behavior cases do not require scaring or hurting your dog, according to scientific consensus. Verena is committed to low stress training practices that leave you and your dog feeling happy, healthy and whole.

Ready to learn how to reward your dog?